Head-2-Toe Health

Be Fit. Be Committed. Be you.

Body Health includes the Brain

When you hear body health, don’t just think physical. Think mental, too. Your brain is a huge part of your body- without it, you wouldnt be able to function at all! So i have come up with some tips that will help you stay mentally healthy.

1: Help other people. That will lift other people’s spirits, as well as yours.

2: Do the things you love. Nothing will make you happier.

3: Spend time with your favorite people. They will lift your spirit, whether they are family or friends!

4: Take chances. It exercises your mind and it gets it to think and work hard.

5: Make a change in your life. Eat something different, try a sport you’d never think you would! Maybe you’ll like it 🙂

6: Don’t let anybody change you. Stay who you are!

Good night 😉

1 Comment

  1. Papa Bo

    This is great info! However, with many peole without electric for long periods do you have morer suggestions?

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Head-2-Toe Health

Be Fit. Be Committed. Be you.

What The Naturopath Said

All Things Health and Wellbeing by Amie Skilton


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