Head-2-Toe Health

Be Fit. Be Committed. Be you.

Power Outage?

Thanks to hurricane Sandy, most people on the east coast (especially New Jersey) were left with no power- that doesn’t mean that you can’t exercise! Get some music on your laptop or phone and grab some weights and you’re set! Keep a flashlight with you if you are uncomfortable in the dark or just exercise in the day in a room where there are lots of windows!


  1. The Godfather

    Great idea! Too many people sitting around with the power out. Exercise will warm you up too if you have no heat.

  2. Fran Alberta

    Great idea. Great way to pass the time even without power. Let’s keep up our energy to do whatever is needed to get through this.

  3. Papa Bo

    good idea.. keep the tips coming!

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Head-2-Toe Health

Be Fit. Be Committed. Be you.

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