Head-2-Toe Health

Be Fit. Be Committed. Be you.

Don’t let the word “happy” fool you!

“Happy Holidays!” it’s that time of year again, isn’t it? First let me start off by saying happy belated Thanksgiving. I hope you all had a great time celebrating the holiday with your family and friends. Alright, now moving on to December holidays Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, and some birthdays. Just because it’s a “happy” holiday, doesn’t mean you can go crazy  with the unhealthy food, drinks, and desserts. Take it easy we can have a great holiday without having a ton of junk food, am I right? So just remember, on Christmas morning when you reach for that 4th pancake, stop yourself and have some eggs or fruit. Or during Hanukkah dinner, maybe have something more healthy than loading up with foods filled with oil. I know you guys can do it believe in yourselves! If you want to have a healthy holiday, then go for it! And remember, you can have a happy, smiley holiday, but it may not be too good on your part to have a happy, junk food-crazy holiday 🙂

Stay strong!


  1. Also, plese forgive me if I miss-spelled Hannukah. Please correct me! Thanks everyone!

  2. This is a great reminder to think before you eat! Love the blog!

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Head-2-Toe Health

Be Fit. Be Committed. Be you.

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