Head-2-Toe Health

Be Fit. Be Committed. Be you.


This one id dedicated to the students who go to bed at midnight and wake up at 6:00 for school. You feel pretty cruddy when that happens, don’t you? When you stay up all night studying for a big test and then during the school day when you’re so tired that you can’t concentrate. I have definitely been there multiple times. What is most important for alertness and concentration is sleep. Especially those of you in 8th grade, evaluations are coming up around the corner, and you want to be the best student you can, right? That would be so much easier if you were involved in the class, participating, and paying attention. Sleep has a lot of control over those three things, so that is why sleep is so important. I know that this time of the year is hectic with the holidays, and the weather is horrible, but you still need to get enough sleep.

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Head-2-Toe Health

Be Fit. Be Committed. Be you.

What The Naturopath Said

All Things Health and Wellbeing by Amie Skilton


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